Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Personal Cancer Experiences

This is my aunt, her name is Micaela Torres, but our family called her Mika. My aunt suffered from 8 tumors in different places of her body. However, she never told us that she had cancer. She never mentioned it never the less even show any symptoms. My aunt lived in Tampico, so we would hardly see her and that is what actually helped her keep it a secret. We all wondered why? Why wouldn't she want us to know? But we all figured that it was because she did not want to hurt us. My family has actually had multiple people pass away from cancer, however what made my aunt so special was that she had cancer in her WHOLE body. Nobody knew. She has 2 children which are my cousins Diobe and Carlos. We all asked them questions about why didn't they ever tell us and why they kept it a secret from the whole family. But it was because my aunt had asked them to not say a word about what she had nor about how many tumors she had. My aunt would just ask my mom for money, but she would tell her that it was to do her six month check up that every women needs to do. So my mom would give her money and she let time pass and gave my aunt time for her to get her results back. When my mom would ask my aunt about the results, she would get so nervous, and just say that they came out negative and that everything was fine. But that was not the case. So my mom decided to call my cousin Diobe, and she asked her what was wrong. My mom would not stop until she actually got the truth out of my cousin. Once the truth was out, my uncles and aunts, including my mom, convinced her to move back to Matamoros so that she can be closer to all of us. Once she got to matamoros,within days the cancer had spread out throughout her whole body which later on we all found out the amount of tumors she had. Which were 8. But the one that stood out the most to me was the tumor that she had in her brain. Why? I was so interested in that tumor because when she got to Matamoros I noticed how half of her face was paralyzed. She couldn't talk neither could she move her face. We would ask her questions and she would have short-term memory that she would forget right away what we would ask her. So one day I actually asked my mom if I could go in with her and actually have a conversation with my aunt, and she agreed. So I went in and I started to make conversation with her and I would write words in a paper and I would ask her to write back to me since she could not move her mouth to talk. So when she was writing I noticed that her hand was shaking way to much and her sentences weren't even making sense. I then realized all the things that a tumor in the brain can make you do. I saw her and I saw how much she sufferent of not being able to read nor write due to the tumor she had in her brain. Because of the brain tumor that she had, the amount of time she had to live decreased in days. Because she went from having one tumor which was in her breast to having seven more. Which the tumor in her brain was the worse one out of all of them. She then passed away, leaving us directions of what to do after she passed away with her body with her two children.

R.I.P Aunt Mika.
I love you, and I will always remember you.

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